BLACCENT’s mission is to help reconstruct, restore, and enlighten the community - especially marginalized groups of color. Through partnerships with other organizations and local pillars, we seek to advance the community by providing creative workshops, events, and activities that align with our core values.
Waco is a growing community; diverse with various cultures and demographics. As the city continues to expand financially and structurally, it is vital that no group is excluded from its progression. BLACCENT takes pride in connecting individuals to needed resources and information that will allow one to thrive.
We bring people together through community-led events and activities such as park clean-ups, garden workdays, annual block parties, pop-ups, poll monitoring, and more.
We strive to offer a range of creative events by highlighting local culture, regional talents, and vendors.
We fight for fairness by organizing protests, advocating for voting rights, creating opportunities and spaces, addressing systemic disparities and creating a more inclusive future.
We empower our community with knowledge and action by sparking conversations about civic engagement and change.
We are a 501(c3) organization that amplifies diverse voices and stories, ensuring that marginalized groups have a platform to be seen, heard, and celebrated.
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